Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Turf School Day Twenty

Today was a laid back day. We started off with turf maintenance. In this class we discussed the soil and how it stores nutrients that can be used for the plant. We discussed the pH of the soil and how it can be altered from too acidic to more alkaline or from too alkaline to acidic. We are using the same textbook that we used in the turf class at bYu so it is all review.
We then had a mower maintenance class. We learned about grinding the reels and how to check them for bad bearings. Properly setting the mower up is a complex process, but the grinding of the reels (with proper technology) is rather simple.
We ended the day with a disease lab. We were looking through microscopes to spot the causal agent of Microdochium nivale. The causal agent that we were looking for was a small lunate shaped conidia. The were very small even magnified 400x.

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