Monday, February 1, 2010

Turf School Day Nineteen

Well today was class president election day. Last week they brought up that we were going to be voting on the class president today. Two kids said they would like to run and that was it. Today when they asked who would like to run, those two kids raised their hands and so did I. We all had to get up and tell why we should be president. We then voted on the matter. It was a very close race, I lost by one vote. (Andrew 19, Ryan 18, Mike 7)

We had our first final this morning. One of the classes that only lasts 5 weeks is now over. The final was very straight forward and I think I will get a good grade.
Following that exam we had two quizzes, one in pest management and one in turf diseases.
The quizzes were not as hard as I expected and I did rather well on them too. In pest management we discussed the four ways to control pests:
  1. Exclusion- preventing pest movement
  2. Eradication- eliminate or reeduce pest levels
  3. Resistance- improve plants ability to tolerate attack from pests
  4. Protection- Prevent attack with chemicals

In our turf diseases class we covered Pythium blight and Yellow tuft. In this class we study nine tings about each disease:

  1. Common Name
  2. Causal Agent
  3. Host
  4. Signs
  5. Symptoms
  6. Disease Cycle
  7. Predisposing Conditions
  8. Management
  9. Chemicals to treat it

We have covered red thread, pink patch, cream leaf blight, pink snow mold, gray snow mold, coprinus snow mold, snow scald, pythium blight-- patch, root rot, and root dysfunction, and yellow tuft. It is a lot of information, but once you know what to look for it gets easier.


  1. oh so close... I would have totally voted for you!!

  2. Nice try Ryan! I would've voted for you too! Can you try again next year?

  3. I think the president is for both years. I did give a moving speech for my nomination. I think I may have brought a few students to tears
