Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spray, Spray, Spray...

Well we have done a lot of interesting things, unfortunately I was not able to take pictures of everything. I have included some more pictures of our annual bluegrass control experiment. I feel like the whole thing was a failure, but we keep on doing it. There are just several holes that have huge dead spots in them now... Hopefully with all the rain that we have been getting the sand and seed that we put out will grow.

We have also been spraying for dandelions. I was only using a 25 gallon tank, because the backpack sprayer had no straps, so I decided to make my own straps.

We also sprayed the fairways with ferrous sulfate and primo. Primo is a growth regulator to slow the growth of the grass. We are trying to slow the vertical growth of the plant and promote more lateral growth. I sprayed a few fairways and then spent some time on the mix tank. The guy that operated the mix tank just sat and waited for the sprayer to be empty so that it could be refilled quickly.


  1. glad to hear someone else is getting rain... its has been so stormy here!! see you in two days LOVE YOU :)

  2. that comment was from Mike.
